Here is the script:
__author__ = 'Per-Oivin Andersen'import getopt, sys, uuid, string, random, osdef usage():print "usage: provide count and number of orgunits and the file usage.xml will be generated."def main():filename = "users.json"try:opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hc:v", ["help", "count="])except getopt.GetoptError as err:# print help information and exit:print(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"usage()sys.exit(2)orgCount = Noneverbose = Falsefor o, a in opts:if o == "-v":verbose = Trueelif o in ("-h", "--help"):usage()sys.exit()elif o in ("-c", "--count"):orgCount = aelse:assert False, "unhandled option"if not orgCount.isdigit:usage()sys.exit()if int(orgCount) <= 0:usage()sys.exit()json ="["for num in range(1,int(orgCount)+1):id=uuid.uuid4()name=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(6))username=''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(6))group=str(bool(random.getrandbits(1))).lower()json += "{" \"\n\"id\": \"%s\"," \"\n\t\"username\": \"%s\"," \"\n\t\"password\": \"password\"," \"\n\t\"isGroup\": %s," \"\n\t\"name\": \"%s\"" \"\n}" % (id,username,group,name)if num < int(orgCount):json += ",\n"json += "]"try:os.remove(filename)except OSError:passfile = open(filename, 'w+')file.write(json)print jsonprint "\n\n JSON written to file " + filenameif __name__ == "__main__":main()
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